One of the most appreciated services in our hotel
Our Restaurant

One of the most appreciated services in our hotel is the restaurant, that daily proposes a delicious cooking, by combining with wiseness and creativity the best products of our territory, from the sea to the mountains.
Cooking is managed for 30 years directly from the Chef Patron Gabriella Bugari, active member of the "Lady Chef" and responsible for the South of Europe for the "Woman in World Chef".
In our restaurant one can be tempted by the tastes of the traditional marchigiana cooking but also by the national and international one, thanks to the wide range of choice that is offered by our Chef.
Our restaurant is also open to the outsiders.
High quality tastes and smells.
Taste and high quality are the main features of the raw materials selected to make our dishes. The chef prefers, indeed, fresh, genuine ingredients, typical of our national and local cooking.
Quality since morning. Indeed, just at the awakening, in the restaurant room there will be a continental buffet breakfast, with home made and biological food, sweet and savory, so good to give one the right amount of energies to face the day.